Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paul's birthday

Today is Paul's Paul must have thought this was a
birthday. If he'd lived, he'd great book!
be 24 years old. As it is, he
will be forever 19. Here are
some pictures from 1987.
This is Paul and Laura having a tea party with a Christmas dog. I would love to tease Paul about
his pinky finger sticking out!

Oh how I wish Paul would have continued to have enjoyed helping me vacuum!

Here is Paul helping his Dad fix something. THIS did continue until he died -- the last project they did together was to paint a house.


Paul was cool before his teen years!

Busy boy -- who knows what he was doing, but he was intense, as always!

Paul and Laura, so cute!

And....the hospital picture!!! His poor little bruised face! They went away soon, though.

So, Happy Birthday to my boy. This day is difficult. A Mom wants to cook a favorite meal, bake a cake, buy balloons, wrap gifts.

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